Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions about Pick and pack services? We have answers.
Do I have to book in a timeslot for deliveries?
No timeslot bookings are required for LCL deliveries, but we do ask that your container delivery times be scheduled with us in advance to avoid demurrage and idle labour costs. eStore Logistics can coordinate your container deliveries for you and your cartage provider if you prefer.
Can I bring my own transport account?
We offer our customers a range of inventory management solutions, including annual stock takes, scheduled rolling cycle counts, or activity driven cycle counting.
Where are your facilities?
No timeslot bookings are required for LCL deliveries, but we do ask that your container delivery times be scheduled with us in advance to avoid demurrage and idle labour costs. eStore Logistics can coordinate your container deliveries for you and your cartage provider if you prefer.
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